Podcast Players
Players that work hard and look good!
Built to go where your audience is, our players help you delight your fans and grow your show like never before. Whether that’s on a website, inside a paid community, or on an e-commerce platform—Fusebox Podcast Players go pretty much everywhere HTML can go! Learn more about our players below.

Single Track Player
Let each episode shine!
Exactly what you need to make the perfect Show Notes page. Our most popular player, and SPI Media’s podcast player of choice!

Archive Player
A full-featured super player for your website.
Showcase your entire podcast catalog in one place! Full of features to engage visitors and grow your podcast.

Sticky Player
Your podcast can now be featured on every page.
Instantly turn your website into a podcast player. Allow your visitors to listen to your most recent podcast episode, anywhere on your site.

Transcript Plugin (WordPress only)
Display your transcripts with a single click.
Showcase your episode transcript in an instant, without dominating the page. Your transcript lives in a fixed window on the page instead of scrolling forever, helping you boost your SEO while delivering a pleasant reading experience.

live player demo
Give our players a try!
Preview what podcast players are capable of — From the powerful Archive Player to our discreet Sticky Player, we think you’ll like what we have to offer.
Features? Nah, power-ups!
- Email Capture
Entice listeners to sign-up for your newsletter
- Custom Colors
Match the player to fit your brand color
- Social Sharing
Visitors can share your podcast straight to social
- Speed Control
Listeners can choose from multiple playback speeds
- Light vs Dark
Determine the best color scheme for readability
- Downloads
Download podcast tracks straight from the player
- Mobile Friendly
Automatically adjusts for mobile viewers
- Custom Sort
Display the newest episode first—or oldest first
- Featured Episodes
Showcase your “Must-Listen” episodes
Our players play nicely with the most popular platforms